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Re: [hlwm] split feature-request


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:09:32PM +0100, Thorsten Wißmann wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 06:47:37PM +0100, Florian Bruhin wrote:
> > * Thorsten Wißmann <edu _at_ thorsten _minus_ wissmann _dot_ de> [2013-12-12 18:03:20 +0100]:
> > > It seems quite often, that immediately after splitting, the fresh frame
> > > is focused by the user. So it might be an option to focus the fresh
> > > frame automatically after the split. Opinions?
> > 
> > As already said in IRC: As an option, +1, and I think it should also
> > default to true.
> I mean we can just change the default keybinding in the autostart. And
> by now I got positive feedback only, so we even could change the default
> and provide backwards-compatible modes: down_stay_focus and
> right_stay_focus.
> The only application of the old focus model is when splitting a frame
> and moving a client from the current frame to it. But this could be
> solved by some command(or split mode) »create the binary tree from the
> current frame appearance«.

It's there and this new split mode is called »explode«. And it's bound
to Mod-Control-space in the default config:

    hc keybind $Mod-Control-space split explode

The idea is that it acts like the inverse operation to »remove«.
So to test this just launch some clients (e.g. 5) in a frame, switch to
a layout algorithm of your choice and then launch »split explode«
multiple times.

With »explode«, the above use case of shifting something to a fresh
frame after splitting should be obsolete. So we can safely focus the
fresh frame by default after splitting. Opinions? (here or via irc?)


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