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Re: [hlwm] split feature-request


* Thorsten Wißmann <edu _at_ thorsten _minus_ wissmann _dot_ de> [2013-12-12 18:03:20 +0100]:
> It seems quite often, that immediately after splitting, the fresh frame
> is focused by the user. So it might be an option to focus the fresh
> frame automatically after the split. Opinions?

As already said in IRC: As an option, +1, and I think it should also
default to true.

> And maybe top/bottom should be renamed to up/down...

Random thought that comes to mind: What about more fuzzy parsers in

Like, for each of these actions it would parse these words:

left:  left
right: right, vertical
up:    top, up
down:  bottom, down, horizontal
true:  true, yes, on, 1
false: false, no, off, 0


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