I think it's very useful, so there are new split modes: top, left in
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 05:13:35PM +0100, Thorsten Wißmann wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 04, 2013 at 09:52:28PM +0100, Flexo Rodriguez wrote:
> > i having a feature request after i took a look on bspwm.
> >
> > in bspwm you can not just split the tree to the right and bottom but split a
> > window to left and top. i think it would be a great improvement while handling
> > frames in hlwm. so if it is possible without that much struggling i will be even
> > more happy.
> I just tried bspwm but still I'm not sure what you try to describe. So
> when doing "herbstclient split vertical 0.5" an empty frame is created
> "below" of the focused frame. Is your request that the new empty space
> should appear above of the selected frame? (And analogous on the left?)
> If yes that should be implemented quite easily.
addition to the old ones: vertical (alias: bottom) and horizontal
(alias: right). The names indicate the (relative) location of the fresh
and empty frame which is created.
It seems quite often, that immediately after splitting, the fresh frame
is focused by the user. So it might be an option to focus the fresh
frame automatically after the split. Opinions?
If you're interested in trying it, I had the following in my old musca
config and really enjoyed it:
herbstclient keybind Mod1-Mod4-h chain , split left 0.5 , focus left
herbstclient keybind Mod1-Mod4-j chain , split bottom 0.5 , focus down
herbstclient keybind Mod1-Mod4-k chain , split top 0.5 , focus up
herbstclient keybind Mod1-Mod4-l chain , split right 0.5 , focus right
herbstclient keybind Mod1-Mod4-r remove
And maybe top/bottom should be renamed to up/down...