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Re: herbstluftwn for Fedora

* Christopher Meng <cickumqt _at_ gmail _dot_ com> [2013-08-21 13:14:12 +0800]:
> Easy to exclude the zsh file by using %exclude macro in RPM spec.
> I hope upstream will not include such files(bash/zsh) into make
> install script. Let users choose what they want. And the zsh file
> seems to be installed into a wrong dir as Fedora doesn't use that dir.

I did look how this is handled for other packages in Debian (since
I've no idea if you can search package contents in Fedora):

# apt-file search -l '/etc/bash_completion.d/' | wc -l
# apt-file search -l '/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion' | wc -l

So this seems pretty standard, really (especially in case of bash).

You could say the same thing with "Why install .desktop files for the
login manager, Arch comes with none by default", or "why install
example scripts, most people won't use them", etc.

My point still is this: Why make it harder for all the users who want
completion (with bash AND zsh, that's probably around 100% of the hlwm
users), when there is no downside (except using 834 *bytes* on the
filesystem) for all the others?


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