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Re: herbstluftwn for Fedora


first of all, I'm not the main hlwm developer (Thorsten), but I
thought I'd also contribute my opinion.

* Christopher Meng <cickumqt _at_ gmail _dot_ com> [2013-08-20 22:46:58 +0800]:
> I have packaged this nice wm for Fedora since 2011 and have plan to
> push them to bugzilla review in the next week. (Me approved Fedora
> packager)

Yay, cool!

> However I would suggest that makefile should not install zsh file, as
> zsh is not the default shell in many distros.


 - We could detect in the Makefile if zsh is installed, and only then
   install the files.

   This sucks because the machine where it is compiled isn't
   necessary the machine where it's run.

 - We could just install it to /usr/share/doc/herbstluftwm/examples
   or so, and prompt the user to copy it over.

   This sucks because it doesn't just work (tm)

 - We could package it separately.

   This sucks because it doesn't just work (tm) and is more work for
   everyone involved.

 - We could just live with it.

   If you really insist in not installing it, can't you remove it from
   the Fedora package with some post-packaging-hook or whatever?
   (Also, it's in the debian package as well)

How do other projects typically manage this? I'm really not in favour
of removing functionality just because there might be a file in the
filesystem which isn't needed.

Just my $.02 ;)


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