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Re: Serious bug

It's a new day. I just powered up and booted my system and decided to
try Newcash with your window manager again, with different layouts.
With the same window layout as yesterday, I did the same 'find' that
failed yesterday. Today it works correctly. I tried it with various
layouts and there was no problem. Yesterday, the system had been up
for hours, as had the window manager, when I had the problem I
reported. Beyond that fact, anything I would say, e.g., memory leak,
would be pure speculation.

Given today's result, I will continue to use your window manager and,
of course, will watch carefully to see if yesterday's symptom


On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Donald Allen <donaldcallen _at_ gmail _dot_ com> wrote:
> As always, I'm running herbstluftwm 0.6.2-2 on an up-to-date 64-bit
> Arch Linux system.
> I have written my own financial management software (which I will
> release on github when I finish the documentation) called Newcash.
> Just as your window manager owes a debt to dwm, my financial manager
> owes a debt to Gnucash.
> Newcash is written in C (though I am now pretty far along with a
> re-write it in Haskell, perhaps for similar reasons that you re-wrote
> your window manager in C++) and is built on top of gtk+3 and sqlite3.
> When started, a window containing the tree of accounts appears.
> Double-click an account and you get an account register, showing all
> the transactions associated with the selected account. I wanted to add
> a new transaction that was similar to a transaction from a couple of
> years ago. So I used the Newcash 'find' command, which provides a
> regexp search of any transaction field. When you find the transaction
> you are interested in, you can then duplicate it to create the new
> one. The duplication saves the trouble of configuring the
> transaction's splits with the right accounts.
> When the 'find' routine locates a transaction with a regexp match, it
> scrolls the register window to it with gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell
> and places the cursor in it with gtk_tree_view_set_cursor.
> Running herbstluftwm, it appears that the scrolling operation fails,
> because the highlighted transaction is not shown in the window (I had
> the two windows -- account tree and account register stacked
> vertically in one frame). Hunting around a bit and I found it using
> the mouse wheel.
> In dwm, xmonad, i3, and fvwm (all window managers I've tried with the
> same Newcash code), this works properly.
> This is a serious problem for me, and I cannot use your window manager
> until it is fixed. If I can help debug this, I'd be happy to do so.
> /Don