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Fwd: Tags not responding to mouse clicks

Hello list, Kinley,
I'm forwarding your message, Kinley, as I see now we got out of track when I first answered only to you instead 'Reply all' - my bad!
Said that...

Well done! It's always refreshing to squash a special obscure 'bug', isn't it!?

Last but no least, have you all a great 2015!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kinley Dorji <kinleyd _at_ gmail _dot_ com>
Date: Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Tags not responding to mouse clicks
To: Martín Cigorraga <martincigorraga _at_ gmail _dot_ com>

Solved! The keyboard was fine. The superkeys weren't responding because someone (probably my younger daughter) had pulled the game lock key. Switching backk solved that problem. But the dzen2 bar continued to be unresponsive to clicks. So after living with using the superkey + tag index to switch between tags till now, I decided to relook at the problem.

I took a closer look at hlwm's autostart and panel.sh scripts. I came across this snippet in panel.sh which looked like something to hack:

  if [ ! -z "$dzen2_svn" ] ; then
     echo -n "^ca(1,herbstclient focus_monitor $monitor && "'herbstclient use "'${i:1}'") '"${i:1} ^ca()"
    echo -n " ${i:1} "

Since I'm using dzen2-git, I thought I'd try changing the else section from:
  echo -n " ${i:1} "
  echo -n "^ca(1,herbstclient focus_monitor $monitor && "'herbstclient use "'${i:1}'") '"${i:1} ^ca()"

And it worked.

I have no idea why the original panel.sh version worked before my Logitech keyboard hacks and why it didn't work later as I didn't touch panel.sh nor do I think the keyboard hacks would have. Still, happy to be back to status quo. :)

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Kinley Dorji <kinleyd _at_ gmail _dot_ com> wrote:
I plugged the keyboard into another computer system, with the same result: no response on the superkeys. So it does appear to be quite an issue. :(

I'm suspecting the drivers I played with when trying out the lg4l-gnome15 might have cause some circuit burn. I have the impression that the Logitech keyboards are pretty durable otherwise. 

Thanks for asking, though.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Martín Cigorraga <martincigorraga _at_ gmail _dot_ com> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 7:26 AM, Kinley Dorji <kinleyd _at_ gmail _dot_ com> wrote:
Thanks Martin. I'm trying everything I can so far,

Lol, who wasn't there? (and surely will be again in the future!?)
but things have gotten a little complicated with my keyboard. For reasons beyond my comprehension, the two superkeys have stopped working out of the blue. All other keys still work, but the combination of the dzen2 panel not responding, and both superkeys not working has made the problem quite a show stopper. I'm chugging along just now on an older keyboard, but I'm mourning the early demise of my quite new (6 mo) Logitech 510s gaming keyboard, which is quite a beauty really. I am considering remapping some other key as superkey and continuing to use the 510s, but haven't quite got down to it. Quite a bummer!

Hmm, sorry if this sounds stupid but did you check that your kbd is effectively misbehaving using any Live distro?
Bearing in mind your earlier issue with the mouse and now the kbd there *might* be a little chance both problems could be connected...

Hope it isn't nothing serious!
