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Re: Tags not responding to mouse clicks

Just to see if it was the contributing factor, I downgraded my kernel from 3.16.2-1 to 3.16.1.-1 and found the problem didn't go away. I'm guessing now that it must be to do with the install/uninstall of gnome15, g15daemon and g15stats. The first involved installation and removal of a lot of files including gnome shell, as well as a number of python2 scripts, including python2-uinput, etc. The latter two were much smaller installs/uninstalls. 

I must investigate these - Jacque Clouseau is on the trail! 

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Kinley Dorji <kinleyd _at_ gmail _dot_ com> wrote:

Other than upgrading my arch system to the new kernel I also installed and then uninstalled gnome15, g15daemon and g15stats. I don't suppose that could affect hlwm could it?

On Sep 11, 2014 11:39 PM, "Kinley Dorji" <kinleyd _at_ gmail _dot_ com> wrote:

Thanks Florian. I have the same version as you - 0.9.5-svn.

On Sep 11, 2014 10:47 PM, "Florian Bruhin" <me _at_ the _minus_ compiler _dot_ org> wrote:
* Kinley Dorji <kinleyd _at_ gmail _dot_ com> [2014-09-11 22:13:19 +0600]:
> Not sure what the problem is, but it started after I upgraded my system to
> the kernel v. a couple of days ago. Everything else works except
> my system doesn't respond to clicks on the tag names when I try to switch
> tags via the mouse. Win+[Tag Number] still works though, so it's not a
> complete show stopper.

This sounds like you have an old dzen2-version installed, i.e. the
non-git/svn version. Perhaps you accidentally downgraded it?

What does "dzen2 -v" say? For me it's dzen-0.9.5-svn.


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