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[BUG?] Fullscreen focus bugs

I've just observed some subtle focus-bugs.
I have two clients in a max layout: Something fullscreen, and a pseudotiled

I've reproduced it with gedit and xournal by closing it with an unsaved file.


  âââ Monitor 0 with tag "3"
    âââ Focus-Layer
    â âââ Client 0x2600006 "*Unsaved Document 1 - gedit"
    âââ Fullscreen-Layer
    â âââ Client 0x2600006 "*Unsaved Document 1 - gedit"
    âââ Normal Layer
    â âââ Client 0x2600006 "*Unsaved Document 1 - gedit"
    â âââ Client 0x260105b ""
    âââ Frame Layer
      âââ Window 0x60000


âââ max: 0x2400006 0x240036f [FOCUS]

focus_follows_mouse is 1.

Now I notice the following things:

 - As soon as I move the mouse out of the dialog, the fullscreen
   window gets raised. As already proposed in IRC, I think this should
   not happen, just like in max-layout with pseudotiled windows.

 - When I focus on the fullscreen window with a click, then move the
   mouse pointer outside of where the pseudotiled window would be, I
   can't cycle focus to the pseudotiled window by keyboard anymore. I
   just see my wallpaper flashing and the fullscreened window is in
   the foreground again.

 - When the pseudotiled window is focused, my panel (conky+dzen2) is
   also in the foreground in the front of the fullscreen window.


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