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[PATCH] error messages

Phew. I thought it wouldn't be much work to add error messages to
herbstluftwm, turns out it was:

 MIGRATION          |   6 ++
 NEWS               |   1 +
 ipc-client/main.c  |  16 ++++-
 src/command.c      |   6 +-
 src/ipc-protocol.h |   1 +
 src/key.c          |  29 +++++---
 src/key.h          |   6 +-
 src/layout.c       |  89 ++++++++++++++++--------
 src/layout.h       |  14 ++--
 src/main.c         | 164 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 src/monitor.c      | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 src/monitor.h      |  22 +++---
 src/mouse.c        |  12 ++--
 src/mouse.h        |   3 +-
 src/rules.c        |  54 ++++++++++-----
 src/rules.h        |   4 +-
 src/settings.c     |  42 +++++++++---
 src/settings.h     |   6 +-
 src/tag.c          |  46 +++++++++----
 src/tag.h          |  10 +--
 20 files changed, 447 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-)

Somehow I'm relieved it's over. Still, if there is anything which
should be changed, please let me know.

I tested it with every command in every way I could imagine, but there
might still be bugs.


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