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Re: Hidden tags


> Am 03.01.2015 12:04 schrieb "Hans-Peter Deifel" <hpdeifel _at_ gmx _dot_ de>:
> > I started to implement a "hidden tag" feature that allows to set an
> > attribute on tags to hide it from pagers and ignore it when cycling.

A minor problem with that aproach: then I am not able to move a window
to the q3terminal-tag using a panel without showing the q3terminal.

On Sat, Jan 03, 2015 at 12:10:03PM +0100, Max Krüger wrote:
> IMHO for floatmon and q3terminal hlwm should just lie in the ewmh and still
> tell the panel, the previous tag would be focused.

For floatmon and q3terminal, that really sounds like a good way.

Another possibility is to unset the EWMH property, I'm not sure how much
pagers are confused by this.

> Revealing the tag temporarily will cause panels to jump in an ugly way.

I don't think that panels will jump ugly, because they should be aware
of new workspaces appearing. Maybe I just don't get what you mean.


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