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Re: (t)csh completion

2014-08-29 10:05 GMT+02:00 Thorsten Wißmann <edu _at_ thorsten _minus_ wissmann _dot_ de>:
> Hi Zsolt,
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 11:38:57AM +0200, Zsolt Udvari wrote:
> > I've created a (t)csh completion to hlwm - attached. It works for me well.
> How can I install (t)csh-completion files? Is there some concrete
> directory in the filesystem where herbstluftwm-packages should move your
> completion-file to?
I think you can move anywhere. In (FreeBSD) tcsh there aren't
dedicated directories. If any user wants to use it, will source from
~/.cshrc. So IMHO it can be in herbstluftwm's share-directory