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Re: [PATCH] Monitor objects per monitor-index

* Thorsten Wißmann <edu _at_ thorsten _minus_ wissmann _dot_ de> [2013-10-06 12:40:15 +0200]:
> Hi Florian,


by the way, any reason you always use [g]roup reply instead of [L]ist
reply? No need to Cc me because I'm already on the list.

Doesn't matter much because Mailman avoids duplicates, but I usually
only reply to the list.

> Now, the old monitor object never is removed, because the
> foreach(unlink) iterates over all entries of the g_monitors array, so
> unlink is not called for monitor as it already has been removed one line
> earlier. So monitor_update_id_objects() does not make sense for
> removing, because both monitor_foreach() calls iterate over exactly the
> same g_monitors state.

Huh, I think I thought about "wait, when do I need to do that so
g_monitors is right". Seems I failed :D

> Well spotted! All in all, it is much less code than I expected. Good
> Work!

Thanks :) Yeah, also wasn't as hard as I expected.

Now two local branches left, maximizing and frame-objects :)

> [1] If you have problems with me modifing your patch and commiting it
> with your name, let me know.

Not at all, I trust your code more than mine :D


() ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail    www.asciiribbon.org
/\ www.the-compiler.org  | I love long mails http://email.is-not-s.ms/
<liiwi> so, what's the official way to get buildd to retry a package? prod it 
with a stick? <Joey> prod neuro <liiwi> with a stick? <Joey> yes. 

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