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Re: [PATCHES] Add command 'query'

* Thorsten Wißmann <edu _at_ thorsten _minus_ wissmann _dot_ de> [2012-12-07 13:35:59 +0100]:
> On Thu, Dec 06, 2012 at 12:29:20PM -0800, Tyler Thomas Hart wrote:
> > I've realized that there are a lot of unncessesary delarations. Patch 0014
> > fixes this.
>   - shift_cycle_monitor: I'd prefer something like a monitor equivalent
>     to move_index. The name shift_monitor should be OK, and the syntax
>     should be: shift_monitor INDEX, where INDEX is either absolute,
>     relative (if it's prefixed by a sign) or also a monitor name (in
>     near future).

No worries, I'll implement the monitor name part as soon as that is in
master :)

I guess you need this as an "atomic" command to do chains and stuff
with it? If not you could parse list_monitors and use that.


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