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Re: Moving windows with the mouse


did you try "mousebind"? The action can be "move": "Moves the window by
dragging the cursor."
Maybe it isn't what do you search (I'm not using it).


2015-06-10 18:39 GMT+02:00 MJ Ray <mjr _at_ phonecoop _dot_ coop>:

> Hi - first time emailer here. Switched from another tiling window
> manager a while ago.  I've made a few tweaks to my layout (most
> importantly, negative pad to put menus and scrollbars on the screen
> edges) and blogged about it. A few readers said they switched too as a
> result.
> Anyway, here's where I'm stuck now: is it possible to shift windows
> left/right/up/down on tiled layouts with the mouse, or do a cycle_layout?
> It seems like I can only bind the mouse buttons to very few actions.
> Could it be made possible to do more, please?  Sometimes I'm using the
> mouse anyway and it feels a bit inefficient to move both hands back to
> the keyboard just to tweak the layouts.  If I could just push a Mod key
> and keep using the mouse, I think that would feel slicker.
> Thanks,
> --
> MJ Ray (slef), member of www.software.coop, a for-more-than-profit co-op
> http://koha-community.org supporter, web and library systems developer.
> In My Opinion Only: see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
> Available for hire (including development) at http://www.software.coop/