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Re: A suggestion

* Donald Allen <donaldcallen _at_ gmail _dot_ com> [2015-04-13 09:18:25 -0400]:
> In the man page, the set_layout command is described as
> set_layout LAYOUT
> Sets the layout algorithm in the current frame to LAYOUT. For the list
> of layouts, check the list of layout algorithms above.
> I think this could be improved. Instead of "check the list of layout
> algorithms above.", it could be explicit, saying "see the TILING
> ALGORITHM section above".
> Also, the Tiling Algorithm section lists the four layouts in the form
> n: <layout name>. Is the LAYOUT argument to set_layout specified as
> the integer or the name? The description of set_layout doesn't say. I
> found out by experimentation that it's the name, after first
> specifying the integer and finding that it did not work,  but the type
> of the argument should be given explicitly. This is done in the
> description of the default_frame_layout setting for example,
> indicating that it is an integer. I would also comment that it's
> inconsistent to specify the default layout by integer, but set the
> layout by name.

I've added this to [1] as it's very similiar to what's described

[1] https://github.com/herbstluftwm/herbstluftwm/issues/24


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